NUTRITION and weight
Dr Hasnaa Doblali works as as a nutritionist and aesthetic doctor in Agadir.
Which does not have ever dieted? Who never got fat again after a diet?
Skin & Slim Clinic supports you in through a personalized trip which is above all a form of fitness that will be put in place gradually. Balanced meals proposed are specially designed according to the needs of each patient.

A colorful plate is a healthy plate
According to Dr Hasnaa Doblali a healthy and balanced diet is the basis of good health.
Our support consists of a first one hour consultation:
Making contact
Clinica examination and impedancemetry
Prescription blood test
Then a nutritional follow-up of 3 or 6 month will be planned as appropriate.
Micronutrition for successful aging
Micronutrition enables primary and secondary prevention against chronic diseases using blood tests.
It has been discovered that specific minerals with vitamins are needed to preserve life.
Vitamins and minerals have an active role in the formation and maintenance of the structure and function of the organism. They are essential for the regulation of metabolism and are important components for gene expression.

The hunt for unsightly greasy beads
The treatment of the silhouette is part of the slimming process through anti-cellulite dietary advice, care adapted to each patient are advised by our doctor, Dr Hasnaa Doblali.
The complete slimming protocol offered at the Skin & Slim Clinic Center in Agadir, integrates the treatment of lipocavitation, radiofrequency and pressotherapy.